Size Guide

5'x5' (25 sq. ft.)
Accommodates several boxes and other small items. Comparable to a small half bathroom.

5'x10' (50 sq. ft.)
Accommodates couch, chair, chest of drawers. Comparable to a walk-in closet.

10'x10' (100 sq. ft.)
Accommodates furnishings for a one bedroom apartment with appliances. Comparable to a mid-size bedroom.

10'x15' (150 sq. ft.)
Accommodates furnishings for a two bedroom apartment or a small house without appliances. Comparable to a large bedroom.

10'x20' (200 sq. ft.)
Accommodates furnishings for a small house with appliances, or a car or small truck. Comparable to a small one car garage.

10'x30' (300 sq. ft.)
Accommodates furnishings for a three bedroom house. Will hold the contents of a 40-foot moving van. Comparable to an extra long garage.